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The Challenge

American consumers receive over 200K unwanted and/or fraudulent calls every minute, many using spoofed caller IDs to increase the likelihood that the called party will answer the call. Both the FCC in the USA and the CRTC in Canada have mandated service provider implementation of the STIR/SHAKEN set of standards as a solution to the widespread use of Caller ID (CLI) spoofing in fraudulent calls.

To reduce fraudulent spoofed CLI telephone calls to consumers, regulators in the US, Canada and France have already mandated that carriers implement STIR/SHAKEN (Secure Telephone Identity Revisited /Signature-based Handling of Asserted information using toKENs) in their networks. This implementation can be daunting and complex and service providers need a simplified, rapid and low impact way to deploy STIR/SHAKEN. Titan.ium is delivering these solutions for both North America and France.

STIR/SHAKEN Call ID Business Benefits


  • Signing Calls, Verifying Signatures
  • Simplified, low impact network deployment of STIR/SHAKEN
  • ATIS 1000082 compliant STIR/SHAKEN interface
  • SIP routing, STIR/SHAKEN and fraud prevention, all in one centralized Titan-based product
  • Totally secured – all call signing/validation operations happen within secured network

The Titan.ium STIR/SHAKEN Call ID Solution

STIR/SHAKEN Call ID provides an easy, low impact and low-cost way to connect a telecom network to ATIS 1000082-compliant STIR/SHAKEN service for signing and verifying calls. STIR/SHAKEN Call ID features an industry-leading capability set and is an application to be deployed on Titan platform. Titan.ium’s STIR/SHAKEN CallID application leverage the field-proven strengths of this environment, such as:

  • Distributed architecture with local and geo-redundancy for carrier-grade operations (99.999% availability)
  • Extremely high processing capacity with in-memory data for very low latency
  • Certificate Management handling
  • ATIS-1000082 compliant HTTP(s) REST Signaling interface
  • OSS/BSS integration interfaces (SOAP/XML, SNMP, ssh, sftp)
  • TDR generation, real-time distribution and centralized collection and reporting

Titan.ium’s STIR/SHAKEN CallID is a comprehensive, cost-effective and standards-compliant solution to the problems of illegal robocalling and CLI spoofing in general.


The Titan.ium STIR/SHAKEN Call ID Solution Benefits

Titan.ium is delivering a unique and cost-effective STIR/SHAKEN solution that can be adapted to National specific market requirement for HTTP STIR/SHAKEN. The benefits of the Titan.ium solution include:

A Proven Solution

Titan.ium’s STIR/SHAKEN CallID is already deployed in France, proving to have Euro on-premise STIR/SHAKEN capability. Only minor changes are needed to adapt it to other countries.

Future Proof

Titan.ium’s industry leadership of call signing will accompany CSP in order to guarantee that a STIRSHAKEN solution purchased from Titan.ium today will seamlessly evolve into the solution required tomorrow by the market.

Multi Purpose Titan Platform

STIR/SHAKEN CallID is delivered on Titan.ium’s field proven Titan platform. In addition to STIR/SHAKEN CallID, the Titan platform can optionally support over 25 other network applications (using SIP, SS7, Diameter, Radius, ENUM/DNS or HTTP), including new applications that can be developed specifically to CSP’s requirements.

Complete Call Security

Directly related to Call Validation, the Titan platform supports an extremely powerful and flexible Signaling Firewall application that can be added and used for Call security, Robocalling and Anti-Spoofing call detection and blocking and more.

Comprehensive Service

Titan.ium’s comprehensive service delivers:

  • Unique solution design workshop upon kick-off of the project, ensuring carrier-specific requirements are understood and designed in from “day 1”;
  • Dedicated project management, delivering timeline-based project completion;
  • Field proven professional deployment services team;
  • Best-in-class post-sales support.