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Titan.ium for Cloud Native Deployment

Titan.ium's all-new cloud-native Intergenerational framework supporting deployments of cloud-native network functions on both telco and hyperscaler clouds.

Titan.ium is an interGENerational™ cloud-native framework that enables a carrier/operator to run both the legacy and next-generation (5G) services on a cloud-native infrastructure of the operator’s choice. The range of cloud-native applications delivered on Titan.ium spans from selected applications migrated from the Titan platform over to 5G core network functions like the Network Repository Function (NRF), Service Communication Proxy (SCP), Security Edge Protection Proxy (SEPP), Binding Support Function (BSF) and Network Slice Selection Function (NSSF).

The benefits of cloud-native deployments mainly derive from the use of small-size functional blocks (containers) that are portable across different cloud-native infrastructures. Containers can be delivered continuously into automated deployment workflows and leverage container-individual services providing for traditional and web-scale networking, compute and memory resource control, auto-scalability, self-healing, enforcement of security policies and more.

Moreover, the Titan.ium platform incorporates Certificate Management Automation, which automates the entire certificate management lifecycle within Titan.ium's monolithic key store. This enhances the associated operations, making them more efficient and reducing the likelihood of errors.



Use cases that do not work well in traditional deployments utilizing monolithic hardware nodes or virtual machines are natively supported in cloud-native deployments.

Titan.ium utilizes microservices-based architecture built of containers centrally managed by the operator’s container management and orchestration framework (AKA Kubernetes).  The Titan.ium cloud-native framework implements services providing for an automated delivery, deployment and lifecycle management of cloud-native applications, as well as common platform services for access management, telemetry/metrics, data replication and OAM. Additional Titan.ium services like service meshes, automated certificate lifecycle management and canary rollouts provide for balanced, scalable and secure traffic flows and for controlled in-service upgrades completely eliminating the risk of a local service outage.

Titan.ium supports both the telco and hyperscales clouds and fully embraces the exposure of assets via network APIs, the path to next-G (6G) and the evolution of cloud-native applications to AI-native applications.